Making Stress Your Friend: How to Cope with Severe Depression

Severe depression is no laughing matter, particularly if you are a Veteran who is back in the United States after one or more deployments to Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Sadly, many Veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress and, according to multiple sources and the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) are ill-served by the Veteran’s Administration.

The most recent GAO report on the VA found that “86% of audited files of vets on anti-depressants did not ...

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Genetics to Cannabis: Implications for Treating PTSD

Severe depression and a heightened sense on anxiety tend to be symptoms of PTSD in returning Veterans from our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.   Nevertheless, these symptoms and how veterans cope with these issues in their everyday life vary significantly.    In fact, many returning veterans (see video below) can be oblivious to the problem until friends and family point out that their reactions to everyday frustrations seem well out of proportion to the circumstances.

While ...

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GAO Hammers VA on Protocols for Veteran Suicides

In yet another devastating report recently released by the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”), this government oversight agency calls into question the VA’s data records with the tragic conclusion that “63% of suicide cases were inaccurately processed.”   As readers of SFTT’s Blog, you are probably not surprised by these latest findings but many in the public may be scratching their heads since they thought these problems were addressed in the wake of the 2014 Phoenix, AZ Veterans Hospital Scandal.


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