SFTT has been reporting for years on the distasteful – read, rampant corruption – in our military procurement process. We are not finger-pointers, we simply comment on the many government auditing studies that clearly indicate that our military procurement process is out of control and, yes, corrupt from top to bottom.
Does this mean our military leadership is corrupt? Of course not, but then who is accountable when corrupt and inept military officers and civilians in the chain of command continually abuse the responsibility of their offices? At some point in time, real leaders take charge and clean out the cancer that is undermining the integrity of our military and civilian leadership.
Today, I witnessed yet another example of the and now on the board of Siga which also features many Democratic fundraisers, sees nothing wrong with hiring political hired guns to seek government contracts. She sites the number of 4-star generals who interact with career procurement officials as evidence that this is a good thing. Really!
How much longer do we have to put up with the fraud and corruption? How much longer do we have to tolerate the mouthpieces of dishonesty who don’t understand the harm they are causing to our country? I’m sorry Ms. Townsend, you are on a fool ‘s mission to convince the American public otherwise and, if you honestly believe what you are saying, we should call for the guys in the white coats. Do the right thing and come clean. It is to late to resign “for personal reasons.” You’ve lied to yourself and you have lied to the American people.
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