SFTT Service Dog Salute Photo Campaign

‘Some dogs help people see, while others
help them forget what they’ve seen!’

Stand for the Troops (SFTT), the David Hackworth legacy foundation, is Saluting Service Dogs with a photo campaign launching on PTSD Awareness Day, June 27th, 2018. Veterans and their families are encouraged to submit candid or portrait photographs of themselves and their service dog companion along with a short narrative about WHY this canine relationship has reduced the symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTSD). The campaign will ...

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The Endocannabinoid System & PTSD:  Could Hemp Oil Be The Missing Link?

Written by Fatima Cook and Gregg Cook

Let us begin with the basics.

What Is The Endocannabinoid System?

First documented in the 1990s, this system is a relatively new discovery and is an internal (endo-) receptor for cannabidiol, serving as a modulator and communicator between all the other systems in the body.  These receptors are found in the brain and gut as well as the immune, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, and even in the nuclear membrane of cells. When this enormously ...

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Farming As A Non-Pharma Rx For Veterans With PTSD

While many Combat Veterans who suffer from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) follow conventional medical protocols involving high dosages of anti-depressants, others have discovered a more “natural” way to heal from invisible war wounds.

Through farming.

“It’s as natural as it gets,” says MAJ Ben Richards, SFTT Director of Veteran Affairs. “Working outside with your hands in the earth to help plants grow and feed people?  It doesn’t get much more rewarding than that for many survivors ...

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Treatment of Ten Campaign Extension Until Memorial Day, May 28, 2018

Guess what?

Because of you, the Treatment of Ten fundraising campaign is becoming a success.

We’ve raised almost enough funds to send one Combat Veteran to our medical facility in Idaho so that he can receive the treatments and therapies that he needs. Now, we need to send the other nine!

To do that, we’ve extended the campaign until Memorial Day because we’re determined to follow Hack’s “orders” to take care of his men and women who are forever on the ...

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David Shulkin

The VA and Shulkin: “It Shouldn’t Be This Hard to Serve Your Country”

Dr. David Shulkin has been pushed aside (read fired) as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (“the VA”).  Without taking sides in what appears to be yet another partisan issue, Dr. Shulkin did a reasonably good job in bailing water in a sinking ship:  the VA.

David Shulkin

As such, it was with regret that we read Dr. David Shulkin’s self-serving departure editorial in the Continue Reading →

Equine Therapy for Veterans with PTSD

Equine Therapy for Veterans with PTSD and TBI

There is considerable anecdotal evidence that supervised exposure of Veterans with PTSD and TBI to horses helps restore a sense of well-being.  Nevertheless, an adequate number of controlled clinical experiments are lacking to determine whether equine therapy has any lasting benefits for Veterans suffering from brain injury.

As reported earlier, Dr. Yuval Neria is Professor of Medical Psychology at the Columbia University Medical Center and “Scientific Advisor” to Stand for the Troops (“SFTT”) is leading a clinical study for the ...

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What Veterans with PTSD Should Know About Alternative Drugs

Most every day there is a provocative news report suggesting that some “miracle drug” may help treat Veterans with PtSD and TBI.  If it is not a new drug, cannabis or ecstacy are often cited as “new” drugs that can help Veterans cope with  the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.

While many Veterans with brain injury and their caregivers hope that prescription medicine relief is on the way, the Department of Veterans Affairs (“the VA”) has a very poor track record in ...

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Alternative Treatment Options for Veterans with PTSD and TBI

In an era of medical breakthroughs and diverse treatment options, it is most disappointing that the Department of Veterans Affairs (“the VA”) has so few treatment options for Veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI.

More to the point, the VA has gone out its way to suggest that non-VA approved alternative treatment therapies are little more than snake oil.  Instead, compromised doctors like David Cifu vigorously defend the status quo at the VA which has shown to ...

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FAQ on Service Dogs for Veterans

For some inexplicable reason, the Department of Veterans Affairs (“the VA”) has a “thing” about service dogs.  Despite an overwhelming amount of evidence that service or companion dogs help Veterans, the VA insists on studying this issue still further.  SFTT wishes the VA had taken the same level of precaution in prescribing OxyContin for Veterans with PTSD.

Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD and/or TBI

A companion service dog program appears to provide comfort and support to ...

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