As sound-bite politicians and Department of Veterans Affairs (“the VA”) administrators (past and present) slug it out over the future direction of the VA, Maj. Ben Richards has put together a comprehensive 8-week program to treat 10 fellow Veteran warriors who suffer from PTSD and TBI.
The program is called the Treatment of Ten. SFTT, founded by the legendary war hero COL David “Hack” Hackworth, is helping to raise $150,000 to help these brave Veterans get the therapy they deserve.
Some of these therapies are currently denied Veterans at the VA because of their entrenched bias against Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (“HBOT”) and other alternative treatment therapies. Sadly, the VA treatment offered to our Veterans for PTSD and TBI is shameful as amply documented by previous articles and blog posts published by SFTT.
In his own words, Maj. Ben Richards describes his experiences with the VA and explains that there is hope for Veterans and their caregivers who suffer from terrible brain injury. Sadly, this non-invasive therapy is not available at the VA and won’t be anytime soon.
Found below are some of the non-invasive therapies that these Veterans in the Treatment of Ten will receive over an eight week period at an HBOT facility in Idaho.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or HBOT
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment which enhances the body’s natural healing process by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber, where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. According to Harch Hyperbarics, “oxygen is transported throughout the body only by red blood cells.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a method in which a changing magnetic field is used to cause electric current to flow in a small region of the brain via electromagnetic induction. iTMS employs a safe, painless, and non-invasive brain stimulation technology to generate a series of magnetic pulses that influence electrical activity in targeted areas of the individual’s brain.
High Performance Neurofeedback
High Performance Neurofeedback or EEG Neurofeedback is a noninvasive procedure that involves monitoring and analyzing EEG signals read through surface sensors on the scalp, and uses the EEG itself to guide the feedback.
Low Level Light Therapy
LLLT (aka as PBM or Photobio Modulation) uses “red or near-infrared light to stimulate, heal, regenerate, and protect tissue that has either been injured, is degenerating, or else is at risk of dying.”
Cranial Electrical Stimulation
CES uses waveforms to gently stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and other neurochemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep. Proven safe and effective in multiple published studies, the device is cleared by the FDA to treat depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Maj. Richards plans to use these results to develop a template for other communities and medical facilities to adopt the same procedures in helping Veterans cope with debilitating brain injury.
Your support is needed to help with fund this initial program. Unlike many other Veteran support programs, 100% of ALL contributions go to support the TREATMENT OF TEN. If you want to truly support Veterans, please make a contribution now by CLICKING THIS LINK.
Let’s give our Veterans a chance to reclaim their lives.
About the Author:
STAND FOR THE TROOPS ("SFTT") is a 501(c)(3) educational foundation dedicated to safeguarding the physical and emotional well-being of America’s military personnel. Currently, our most pressing mission is to investigate and connect veterans to result-oriented treatments for the Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) now triggering so many military suicides.